In case you were wondering why I've been so quiet lately, it's because I'm utterly exhausted from this pilot I just worked on over the last week. It was a massive balancing act with lots of babysitters, coordinating with Grippy's preschool for late pick-ups and driving like a mad-woman down the 405 to get to shoots way the heck off my radar in "the Valley". Let's just say, I'm relieved it's over. The good thing is that my studio is done too. This has been a work in progress over the past year and finally I had the perfect excuse for my contractor to be absolutely done- I gave him a few pretend shoot dates just to get it finished sooner but not being a very good liar this didn't work... finally, and thankfully, he finished right in time the night before for the real shoot. Here are photos of my lovely studio!!
This was a drab, exposed wood frame uninsulated garage before. Tom added white walls, a glass door, two skylights and an awesome work counter. |
Before it was not an inviting place to hang out... |
Notice my buttons are off- this is from 3 hours sleep. |
I'm going to craft up a storm in here. |
See the awesome exposed wood beams! Great for hanging things from- see Olaf's hang-glider? |
The Antlers made it. So handy for hanging things off of. |