Square Beads and Suede Bracelet

Ever since I discovered the K&S section of Lincoln Hardware, it had become so much more than a place for getting  keys made.  It has become my new candy store- my go to place for tubing to turn into beads.  There is something about cutting metal that makes me feel like a real craftswoman- seeing it melt away under the blade of the Dremel is just really cool.  A few weeks ago, I posted a project that I made with round copper tubing- the Neon Ladder Necklace, the last project was also a K&S gem East Coast/West Coast cufflinks.  Today, another hardware store piece.  These rectangular beads are square tubes cut into short lengths.  Something about the geometry of these beads and the fluidity of the soft suede that is tactile and appealing.

The inspiration from Anthropologie.  Painting the bead is an option, remember to prime white first. 

1.  C-clamp a square tube to a work surface.
2.  Cut at the desired length with your Dremel or a fine-blade saw.
2.  Thread beads onto suede.  It helps to use a needle to poke it through.
3.  Crimp with end-clasps.  Add a dab of super glue so the cords stays put.

The finished back.


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