East Coast/West Coast Cufflinks

California-Nantucket Lovin'
This anniversary, I got Chris the usual- a pair of cufflinks. It's my go-to project for him every year because it's the only bling a man can wear and I just love buying them.  This year I decided to try my hand at making a pair.  The K&S section of the hardware store was my first stop. I've had a Dremel for a long time but haven't really had the space to use it much but now with my new studio- it's much easier to work on messier projects.  Finally have been using it to cut and polish metal.  I wanted to go East Coast- West Coast with them because although we live here, his heart will always be in Nantucket.

1.  Trace shape of state on sheet metal with pin tool or a pin.

2.  Cut with metal cutters.

3.  Sand with Dremel.
Here are the two shapes- California and Nantucket (not to scale ;)!

4.  Spray paint white then mix two part epoxy with epoxy dye.

5.  Dab on epoxy and let sit.

6.  Glue cuff link bases to the back with an epoxy glue.

7.  Add heart with nail polish.  If you mess up the heart, you can remove it with nail polish remover without affecting the resin at all so feel free to play.


Laure-Anne said…
Bravo Sonya en direct de Paris ! Tu es toujours aussi douée!
Sonya Nimri said…
Merci beacoup Laure-Anne! J'espere que tout va bien. Gros-bises.

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