
Showing posts with the label dining room

Houndstooth Chair Makeover

 Dining room chairs are one of those essentially comfortable must-haves.  One of the most important places in the house, where you eat your meals and sit for hours while on your computer must be totally functional, support your body nicely, hopefully looking great all the while.  But how do you do this on a budget?  Here is one idea for keeping costs down while getting some great style. I found these two vinyl duds at a Pepe's Thrifty Shop  for $25.00 each.  Black with brown painted legs, they were nothing great to look at but are totally comfortable and well made.  In certain places, (like the crease between the seat and the back), hints of coral peeked out, showing signs of a formerly coral chair that had been sloppily painted black.  No worries here, my plan was to cover them in a swath of elegant houndstooth.  See how it turned out! $25 at Pepe's Thrifty Store in Los Angeles. Trim and Tack fabric adhesive ($15) and the 2 yards o...