Minibus Boutique, Paris

Paris is full of little boutiques, some more uniquely Parisian than others.  Last visit there, I found the most charming boutique right down the street from where I was staying. It's called Minibus and they specialize in vintage children's clothing and toys.  I was immediately struck by the array of vintage finds for children, and it occurred to me that a boutique like this would never exist in the U.S., be it from of fear of lead paint, flammable polyester clothing or other uniquely American phobias that keep us away from exposing our children to the norms of another era. It was such a delight seeing the adorable French children's clothing that I've only seen in the likes of the Red Balloon or other time-tested masterpieces of French movie-making genius.  Check out these adorable treasures that Minibus had to offer.

I'm not sure what is going on in this scene.  It seems a bit random, with a goat gingerly passing and the young man fishing, but you gotta love it.

These went in a toy-vending machine.  

Little tin toys are always full of charm.

Love the little outfits on these large-foreheaded dolls!

Colorful donkeys with contrasting ears.

If only I had a girl...

So colorful and bright.  High-chair designers take note.

Tres chic!


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