Beaded Bobetch and Candlestick
Beaded Bobetch | |||
What You'll Need:
Glass Bobetch
Dremmel with fine point (2mm) drill bit Assorted semi-precious stones including brown dyed pearls, rose-quartz, jade, and freshwater pearls. Fishing wire
1. Drill four holes equidistant from each other 4 cm in from the edge of the bobetch. Make sure to be wearing leather gloves when holding the bobetchs while drilling for safety reasons.
2. On a 30 inch piece of wire, string one pearl through on the wax catching side of the bobetch and pull the two strands through to the other side, tying in a knot. 3. String your first series of beads on your wire, making sure that it has a clear centerpiece and is 3 inches long. 4. Pull your string through the 2nd hole and bead another pearl onto the wire then pull the wire out through the bottom again. 5. String the exact same pattern again, then pull the wire through the 3rd hole again adding a pearl on the upside then pulling through the bottom and continuing on. 6. When you've reached the 4th hole, pull your wire up through the starter bead on the wax-catching side, then back down again. Pull tight, then tie a knot onto the fourth segment of the wire, then feed string back into the beads.