Lace and Stripes Buddy Shirts

When Marisa Lynch and I saw this lace/striped shirt, we thought, oh yeah, that's totally cute and very do-able.  A quick and easy splice and sew project- we just happened to have two shirts that my dear friends Phoebe (stripes) and Gail (lace) had given me, project-ready.   Thanks to all my buddies that made these two awesome shirts possible. 

Gail's Lace Shirt
Phoebe's Striped Shirt
Trying to figure out how to dice it up to maximize the fabric.
Snip Snip, scalloped along the edge of the lace under the chest, leaving enough for another bottom.
All sewed with a zig-zag stitch on the machine.  It took 15 minutes to sew both shirts!
The first, long-sleeved, more substantial shirt.

And the shirt with the smaller leftover pieces.
Perfectly half and half, we wasted not a thread.

With pops of red, they really look nautical yet sort of Frenchy, non?

Marisa is such a spazz.- too much caffeine, girl!

Soooo tired after all that sewing!  Let's take a nap.


Unknown said…
omg love this. xx
Sonya Nimri said…
Thanks Meagan! Your DIYs are awesome too!

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