English Rose Cast Ring
What You Need:
- Amazing Mold Putty (available at Michael's)
- English Rose (I've found these at Goodwill lately but ebay has quite a selection as well)
- Casting Resin
- Resin Dye
- Glitter (optional)
- Ring back with flat disc attached
- Super Glue
- Mix two part putty then cast rose getting as much of the head of the rose as you can.
- Mix resin according to directions. Make sure to stir for long enough and pop bubbles that may arise. Add dye as well. I added a drop of red and a smidge of blue for a purple-y pink.
- Fill the amazing mold with resin. Drop a dollop of glitter in the middle. It will sink in to the top middle of the rose, which will be the bottom of the mold. Let cure overnight.
- Glue the rose to the disc on your ring using super glue or jewelry glue. Vive la rose!